• Start of publication: 2016
  • Credit of the publication: Academic / Specialized
  • Type of articles to be published: Research, promotional
  • Coverage: State Studies of Contemporary Iran
  • Format: Print and Online
  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • Coverage: Political science and international relations
  • Type of Journal: Academic / Specialized
  • Language: Persian; including English abstracts
  • Type of arbitration: Double Blind Peer Review; two reviewers
  • Review Time: 1 to 4 months approximately
  • Citation method: APA 7th edition (2020)
  • Contact E-mail: irsj@ihu.ac.ir
  • Article Processing, Publishing and judging Charges: Free for review process and publication.
  • Type of License: CC BY
  • Type of Access: Open Access (OA) 
  • Cooperation with the Association: Social Studies Association of the field

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  1. Respected authors are requested to follow the format of the Journal in order to speed up the review and judging process.
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Current Issue: Volume 10, Issue 2, September 2024 

Political sociology of Iran

Popularization of government functions with emphasis on the intellectual system of the Supreme Leader

parvaneh bayati; Seyyed Mohsen Khademi Noushabadi; Alireza FARAHMANDNIA

Political thought

Analyzing the political jurisprudence of Mojadis in Shatabi's intellectual system

hossein aghelinezhad; sajjad chitforoush

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