About Journal

Year of publication: 2016
The validity of the publication: scientific-promotional
Type of articles that can be published: research, promotional and review
Publication status: print and electronic
Publication period: Quarterly
Publication language: Farsi (English abstract)
Specialized field: studies of government studies in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Type of arbitration: anonymous arbitration and at least 2 referees
Average arbitration time: two to four months
Citation method: APA 7th edition (2020)
The cost of processing and publishing the article: Free
Status of access to the full text of articles: open access and free download
E-mail address of the publication: irsj@ihu.ac.ir

This quarterly magazine focuses on the specialized topic of system building and state building in legal, political, economic, cultural and social dimensions in the contemporary history of Iran (before and after the revolution) as well as the experience of the eight-year period of holy defense. The publishing license of the quarterly journal of government studies in the Islamic Republic of Iran was issued on 10/04/2016 under the registration number 22298 by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.

In line with the development and deepening of various concepts in the field of government research and system building in the history before and after the Islamic Revolution of Iran and in different thematic dimensions, the researchers of this field are invited.

Please check your submitted articles with the tips in the authors' guide and send them according to the approved template.

Quarterly office contact number: 02174188235

Call hours: Saturday to Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m

The minimum time required for the initial evaluation is about 2 weeks and the expert review of the article is about 2 months. The specified period of time for applying corrections by the author is a maximum of three days.

Open Access

All articles published in state studies of contemporary iran Journal are open access, and for all journal articles, all content is available free of charge to users or their institutions.



Scientific Journal of state studies of contemporary iran is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Licensees may copy, distribute, display and make derivative works only if they cite the original published article. 


The authors are the copyright holder in this journal and retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights. The author has complete control over the work.

Article Review and Processing (APC) and subscription fees

The Journal of state studies of contemporary iran is a free and open access journal, so no fees are charged to the author or authors.

The Journal of state studies of contemporary iran is an electronic journal and has no subscription fees for readers.


state studies of contemporary iran Journal does not accept any advertisements on the website and journal articles.

Journal publisher

The Journal of state studies of contemporary iran is owned and published by the Imam Hussein University.

Supporting resources

It is the faculty and research institute of social and cultural sciences of Imam Hussein University.

Article archive policy

The archive of articles of the journal is stored in the National Library of Iran in addition to the website of the journal itself. 

Repository policy

Authors are allowed to post the accepted and published version of their article on their personal pages, such as Research Gate, LinkedIn, Academia, personal or organizational sites, etc. Because it can lead to constructive exchanges as well as earlier and more citations of published articles.

Discount policy

Since no fees are charged for sending, reviewing and printing articles, this journal does not have a discount policy on the cost of printing articles.