The influences of Iran's Islamic revolution on Nasrollah Mardani's poetry

Document Type : Original Article


Payam Noor University


Nasrollah (Naser) Mardani (1948-2004) is regarded as one of the most influential poets of Islamic revolution of Iran. The influence of Islamic thought and Shiite discourse in his poetry is such that even the most trivial behavior will take significance in the light of his thoughts. Issues such as Iran's Islamic revolution achievements by considering reliance upon religion and law and protecting Iran's territorial integrity, its system and religious as well as patriotic values are reflected in his poetry. Upon Islamic revolution's victory, Persian religious poetry stepped into a new and unprecedented direction. Nasrollah Mardani addressed concepts such as martyrdom, fighting against evil regimes, fighting against tyranny, feeling empathy with world's poor and weak people and some other similar ones. His revolutionary poems are dynamic and active indeed and the poet is moving after the promised savior. His poetry is not solid and static, as it was in pre-revolution poetry. Coinciding with Islam's revival after revolution, his poetry takes a new direction compared to the previous poets and a new conception of religious concepts are presented in his poems, i.e. he takes a new stance toward Islam. "Islamic Revolution Literature" is one of his outstanding works in this field.


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