How Was the Formation of Daesh Made Possible, and How Did It Affect the National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran?

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding Author: PhD Student, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran


Terrorist groups are types of non-governmental entities which are the product of the postmodern era of international relations. They have been formed in the postmodern era due to factors such as thoughtlessness and non-spirituality of this era, identity crisis, the anarchist nature of the world system, crisis in knowledge and relativity, humiliation caused by postmodernism and the like.  The product of the 21st century, ISIS is one of the most significant terrorist groups created by all of the above factors. Developed in a region full of contradictions and problems of the Middle East, Daesh claims to rule and govern according to its predecessors, and threatens the security of the countries in the region directly and indirectly. The Islamic Republic of Iran, as one of the major countries in the region, faces the greatest conflict with this terrorist group, intellectually, ideologically and in terms of defining its interests. Hence, the emergence and processes of the formation of ISIS in the region and its effects on the definition of security by the Islamic Republic of Iran, can be regarded as the main question involved in this research. Therefore, resorting to analytical and documentary-library methods, this research is intended to discuss how this group was formed and how it affected the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran


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