Investigating the nature of the Tahsildar patrimonial government in the second Pahlavi period; (1342 to 1357)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Political Science, Faculty of Political Science, Tehran Azad University, Center, Tehran, Iran

2 Political Science, Faculty of Political Science, Khwarazmi University, Iran: Tehran

3 Imam Hussain university


Various theories have been presented about the nature of Pahlavi II's rule, and each of these theories has explained the nature of Pahlavi II's rule from a specific angle. Each author has organized his theory based on his own perception of the main feature of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's government, some have made economy, some culture, some politics and some social features the criteria of their assessment of the nature of Pahlavi II's government. In this regard, various theories have been proposed to explain the nature of the second Pahlavi government, such as the theory of patrimonialism, oriental tyranny, absolute government, rentier government, Sultanate regime, etc. However, the nature of this government is still disputed by theorists, so the author in this article It seeks to answer the question, which theory has the greatest ability to explain the nature of Mohammad Reza Shah's government between 1342 and 1357? In this regard, the author believes that none of the theories presented about the nature of Pahlavi II's government alone can explain the nature of Mohammad Reza Shah's government. , and the application of each of these theories alone has shortcomings and weaknesses. Therefore, by presenting the theory of patrimonialism, Tahsildar tries to explain what the second Pahlavi government is, which is a combination of patrimonialism and rentier government


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