Explaining the collective security pattern in the politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 researcher

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One of the issues of countries is providing national security, so that national governments always seek to provide security for the preservation and development of their country; Even some political thinkers have said that the existential philosophy of the government is to maintain security and the reason of the country and a government is to protect the privacy of security; Countries in the past and present have used different behavioral patterns to maintain and achieve national security. One of the patterns that is of interest to ensure security is the pattern of collective security; in this article, an attempt will be made to investigate this with thematic analysis What is the place of the collective security pattern in the politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran? The results of the research show that in the opinions and thoughts of the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the one hand and the upstream documents on the other hand; as influential sources on the politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Directly and indirectly, there are codes and components indicating attention and emphasis on the collective security pattern to ensure national interests and security


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