The scope of the principle of expediency in the establishment of military relations between the Islamic Republic and the war infidels from the point of view of contemporary Shiite jurists with an emphasis on the jurisprudential opinions of Imam Khome

Document Type : Original Article


1 Imam Hossein Comprehensive University

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From the beginning of Islam until now, the foreign relations of the Islamic state have been the focus of religious leaders and Islamic jurists, and the inference of rulings on the foreign relations of Muslims with non-Muslims has been mentioned in their jurisprudence discussions. In the current era, with the victory of the revolution and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on Shia jurisprudence, one of the challenges facing this government has always been and is the way and scope of establishing foreign relations with other governments in the new world order. Especially in cases where communication with some hostile governments is necessary. Now, the question of the current research is that based on the jurisprudential conclusions of contemporary jurists, especially the late Imam (RA), what is the position of the principle of expediency in establishing military relations with infidels (military and non-military) and enemies of religion? The hypothesis of the research is that based on the dynamic jurisprudence of the Imam (RA) and some other contemporary jurists, new inferences and new interpretations of jurisprudential sources can be presented that facilitate the decision-making and decision-making of the Islamic government in establishing relations with governments, even hostile governments. Shows Based on this, the present study analyzed the Shia jurisprudential sources and the opinions of contemporary jurists, especially the jurisprudential opinions of Hazrat Imam Khomeini (RA) using a descriptive-analytical research method. The result is that according to the jurisprudence opinions of Hazrat Imam (RA) in the definition of absolute jurisprudence and the principle of expediency, basically the rulings of foreign relations (including military relations with the enemy) are in the scope of government decisions and do not have a definite and fixed ruling, and considering the expediency of the country and People, you can even give a preliminary order to establish some special relations, such as military relations with hostile states.


Smiley face

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