Understanding the Patrimonial Government and the Critical Discourse of Constitutional Poets with an Emphasis on Spragense's Theory

Document Type : Political sociology of Iran


1 Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Amin University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD in Political Science, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.


Iran's constitutional revolution can be considered the beginning of an idea to end traditional authoritarian regimes. Regardless of the success of the Constitution, the important issue is the critical discourse of the spectrums that have been provocative and in a way the ideologues of the constitutionalists. Among them, intellectuals, marketers, clergy, writers, and poets can be mentioned. While criticizing the patrimonialism of the ruling government, during their thoughts, they made many efforts for the liberation and freedom of the country as well as drawing a bright future for the country. In This article, the authors try to investigate the patrimonial government of the constitutional era by using the Spragens Theory to explain the critical discourse of three poets of this era: Adib al-Mamalek Farahani, Vahid Dastgerdi and Malek osh-Sho'arā. Based on this, in the first stage of observation and identification of the problem according to the interpretation of these three poets, it is the authoritarian and patrimonial government ruling the Iranian society. In the second stage finding the root of the problem, the lack of unity in Iranian society, and the presence of illegal forces in the country are discussed. In the third stage or the drawing of an ideal order, the two concepts of freedom and justice are the idealism of the three poets. Finally, in the fourth stage, or the plan of solution and treatment, the three poets emphasize the issue of constitutionalism and parliament.


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