Explaining the role of leadership in promoting dynamic defense diplomacy

Document Type : Iran's foreign policy


1 PhD candidate in Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


Examining the opinions and thoughts of the country's leaders is the guideline of macro policies and shows their attitude towards the policies and determines the priorities of those countries. In the political structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the role and position of leadership is of great importance, and according to the principle of the 110th constitution, determining the general policies of the system and monitoring its good implementation are among these responsibilities. According to this role; It is necessary to analyze the statements, decrees, interviews and speeches of the supreme leader in relation to defense diplomacy. In this article, an attempt will be made to investigate this point with the method of thematic analysis, what is the position of the components of dynamic defense diplomacy in the thought of leadership? The research results show that 12 elements can be counted in the statements, decrees, interviews and leadership speeches, which are generally categorized in the form of two discursive and structural axes.


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