Popularization of government functions with emphasis on the intellectual system of the Supreme Leader

Document Type : Political sociology of Iran


1 shariati police

2 Member of the academic staff of Imam Hossein University (AS)

3 Researcher of Turjan Institute


The purpose of the current research is to investigate the functions of the government in the field of popularization in the intellectual system of the Supreme Leader. The theoretical basis of the research is the statements of His Holiness and the method of thematic analysis has been used. The statistical population in this research included all the statements that His Holiness made from the beginning to (February 1402) regarding the popularization of government functions. According to the findings of the research, the levels of popularization of the functions of the government in the orders of the leader of the revolution are realized in 5 levels of communication, executive, educational, economic and participatory functions of the government with the people. Popularization of the functions of the government on the one hand depends on the fundamental components such as the coherence and authority of the government, the simplicity of the officials, having modesty, honesty in politics, justice, meritocracy of the officials, adopting the popular lifestyle, relying on the capacity Inherent in the country is the trust in the people's capacities and the foundation for the people's presence in the scene, and on the other hand, the components that prevent the popularization of the government's functions are: internal disputes, despair and hopelessness, promises and back-of-promises, public Extortion, aristocracy, theatrical works and conflict of interests. The popularization of government functions has very important effects and results, which include achieving unity and empathy between people and officials (national solidarity), establishing public welfare and justice in society, creating social trust, expanding social participation of citizens, Avoiding civil and political passivity among citizens, not eroding social capital, increasing the efficiency of the government, the authority and comprehensive development of the country, and achieving popular governance. According to the results of the research, the Islamic government can provide the grounds and conditions for the interaction of the government with the people, and while benefiting from the cooperation and social participation and Enjoying the satisfaction of the people in order to create a healthy society and establish an Islamic government.


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